Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Streaking for Pediatric Stroke (tm)

We will be participating in a new campaign by the Children's Hemiplegia and Stroke Association for Pediatric Stroke Month - Streaking for Pediatric Stroke (tm)...

For the entire month of May, we will be doing one activity every day (creating a streak) to honor our stroke survivor, Evie.  It can be something simple, or something complicated, but the idea is simple: pediatric stroke survivors must be committed to therapy and rehabilitation and they must work hard everyday toward that commitment.

So for the month of May, or 31 days, we will make a commitment and every day for 31 days, even if only for 5 minutes, we will think about her struggles and work our butts off to honor her and acknowledge what a strong little girl she is!

My commitment is to run for at least 30 minutes a day... everyday... rain or shine... 

James will post his commitment soon.  Let me know if you want to join us - we will post here everyday to keep us honest and document this journey. 

And... the bonus?  They say it only takes 28 days to form a habit - so this could really make a difference in your life!



  1. I will get up at 5 am and exercise 30 minutes and at 5 pm I will do the same. She works hard all day not just once! I am committed. Love, Grandma Smoot

  2. Great commitment! I have added you to the participants on the right. Just post a comment on the daily entries about your streak! Love you.

  3. I plan to run/exercise daily for at least one hour as well. I used to be a pediatric physical therapist so I know how hard these kiddos work on a daily basis. Good luck and I will be following as well.

  4. I'm in! I will be exercising at least 30min a day... Need to get crackin' on today's commitment!
